Posted by: myroadtoemmaus | December 8, 2011

the fastest two months ever!

It seems like yesterday that I was holding Jonah for the first time.  And here he is in all of his two-month glory:


How can I describe Jonah…  Well, let’s just say he’s about the complete opposite of Hannah as a baby.  He is relatively calm and content.  And he is consolable.  When he cries, I pick him up and he stops crying.  Who knew?!  He loves to be held and he is constantly nuzzling into your shoulder or chest, trying to get as cozy as possible.  He’s a great sleeper and efficient eater which I am so thankful for.  He tolerates his sister who kisses him upwards of 25 times a day.


And by kiss, I mean head-butt.  🙂

Happy Two-Months Jonah-bug.  We think that you are the greatest!


  1. I can’t believe he’s 2 months old! They are so cute together!
    “I mean head-butt!” Funny and so true! =)

  2. He is sooooo handsome!!!

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